Connection to the
Word God

discover the joy of bible study

Do you feel lost when you open the Bible? Do you wish you understood how to confidently study Scripture for yourself? We want to empower you to dive into God's Word.

We believe that

The Word of God Matters

It is God's written revelation to us. It is everything we need for life and godliness. It is relevant, it is true, and it is powerful.

We believe that

We Can Understand It

Sometimes, Scripture can seem hard to understand or confusing. But we know that God has given His Word to believers to know Him better, and our mission is to give you the tools for you to be able to study and glean from it.

listen and learn


An entire resource library, including foundational information about the Bible and a complete overview series of each book of the Bible. Designed to be used on your own or in group settings, new episodes of encouragement and enrichment are added weekly.

We suffer from

Biblical Illiteracy

According to the Ponce Foundation, over 80% of American Christians only read their Bibles during church on Sunday. We can't know something if we aren't reading it.

We lack a

Biblical Worldview

A Barna study found that only 9% of those identifying as Christians hold a Biblical worldview, believing the Bible to be accurate and reliable.


Discipling Women in the Word

We want women to know and love the Word of God, to find joy in studying it, and provide them with resources that enable them to read it and apply it confidently within its context.

spend a day with us


A day designed to allow you to fellowship with others, study Scripture in depth, and spend devoted time with God in nature.

Reading the Bible

Provides Sufficiency

2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that all Scripture is God-breathed and allows us to be complete, equipped for every good work.

Reading the Bible

Grounds Us in Truth

The Word of God is our source of truth. Saturating ourselves in it gives us a foundation we can hold fast to.

Reading the Bible

Impacts Us

A study from The Center of Bible Engagement found that time in the Word decreased loneliness and anger by 30%, bitterness by 40%, and feeling spiritually stagnant by 60%.

reading the Bible

Inspires Us

The same study showed that significant time in Scripture increased sharing your faith by 200% and discipling others by 230%.

let us come to you


Hosting your own event and looking for a speaker? Contact us for more information on bringing Gwyn to teach at your event.

our heartbeat is to

Equip Women

We want to place the needed tools into the hands of women so that when they approach the Word of God, they know they can read and understand what God has for them. We want them to experience the power of God's Word in their lives, and we believe that when we help remove barriers of confusion and lack of knowledge of the Bible, it encourages women to open the Word more. By providing a multitude of resources, we encourage women in their journey of learning Scripture and developing a passion for knowing it more.

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Gwyn McCaslin

Founder, President, and podcast host

Gwyn has been a believer for close to 40 years and it was the experiences of learning to devote herself to the study of God’s word and diligently spending time with Him that have led to the convictions that created this ministry. She passionately believes that once you taste the goodness of the Lord and the sweetness of His living word, you want to know more and show others what they are missing!
In addition to this passion, Gwyn is crazy about her children, Josh and Lena-Rose. Gwyn also has her master in Marriage and Family Therapy, with a specialization in children and adolescents. She has worked with foster Care in various ways and fostered and adopted personally, She served as a counselor for the local community for 11 years. By the end of Covid, God had changed what her calling looked like with the research on current trends within the church. It was time to focus on sharing and showing believers what they were missing by not devoting themselves to the study of God’s word.

David Greene

Vice President

A Family Pastor at a local church, David also leads the Next Gen Ministry in the local schools. Married with five children, he became a believer as a young adult and felt called to the study and teaching of God’s Word.

Sue Yoder

secretary and treasurer

Sue Yoder is creatively gifted with organizing and strategizing things into existence, such as birthday parties, craft nights, retreats and ministries. She is passionate about building community with God’s people, where it is safe to be real and raw with their faith.

Brenda West

board member

A wife, mother, and grandmother, Brenda has spent the last fifteen years leading women in Precept Bible Studies. She has a heart for mentoring women and serving in her community and church.

Rebecca Miller

board member

Rebecca is a wife, mom and grandmother who has a passion for seeing people fall in love with the Word. She loves mentoring and encouraging younger women in their walk with the Lord around her kitchen table.

Gloria Conner

board member

A believer since high school, Gloria became a student of God's Word through Precept Bible studies. She encourages others to study God’s Word because of the power it holds to know and discern truth. A wife and mom, she serves the community through nursing.

Maria Shanlian

board member

Maria Shanlian is passionate about encouraging and equipping women through Biblical teaching, while reminding them that they are seen, known, and loved by their Creator. She has served in women’s ministry for over five years and currently leads the women’s ministry at her church.

Have A Question?

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Have a question about our ministry? Want to know more about our retreats? Interested in having Gwyn speak to your group? Feedback on a podcast? Reach out to us!




Growing in Christ Retreat

What does discipleship look like and how can we grow in Christ? We'll dig into that and more!

Want to partner with us?


If you're passionate about equipping and encouraging women in the Word, we'd love it if you'd come along side us.

to our donors

Thank You

Thank you to our donors and to the businesses that support our ministry. We are so grateful for your sponsorship.

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